10 Tips|What Not to Do

on your wedding day

10 Tips on What Not to Do on Your Wedding Day.

1. Don’t forget your vows

Your wedding vows are an important part of your ceremony and your commitment to each other. Make sure to take the time to write them, practice them, and remember them on your wedding day.

2. No dramatic entrances

While you may want to make a grand entrance, it’s important not to go over the top or be too flashy. Keep it simple and elegant, and let the focus be on your love and commitment to each other.

3. No last minute changes

Planning a wedding can be stressful, but it’s important to stick to the plan on your wedding day. Avoid last-minute changes that can cause confusion or stress, and trust in the preparations you’ve made.


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4. Don’t stress about the small things

There may be small details that don’t go as planned, but try not to let them stress you out. Focus on the big picture and the joy of the day.

5. Don’t get too caught up in the reception

While the reception is a time to celebrate, make sure not to get too caught up in the party and forget about your guests or your commitment to each other.

6. Don’t forget to eat

Make sure to take time to eat and hydrate throughout the day. This will help you feel your best and enjoy the day to its fullest.

Don’t forget!

7. Don’t ignore your guests

Take time to greet and thank your guests for attending. They’ve come to celebrate your love, so make sure to show them some love in return.

8. Don’t forget to take a moment alone

Your wedding day can be busy and overwhelming, but it’s important to take a moment alone as a couple to reflect and enjoy the day together.

9. Don’t let family drama ruin your day

Family dynamics can be complicated, but try not to let any drama ruin your special day. Focus on your love for each other and the celebration of your marriage.

10. Don’t forget what the day is all about

Your wedding day is a celebration of your love and commitment to each other. Keep this in mind throughout the day and focus on your relationship and future together.